Thursday, December 9, 2010

First Day in Suriname - Thursday

The team flew into Suriname late Wednesday night after 16 hours of travel from Los Angeles on American Airlines, switching to Suriname Airlines in Miami, and stopping in Aruba on the way into Pengel International Airport - an hour south of Paramaribo and the country's only international airport.

On Thursday after settling into the team's dedicated meeting room at the Conservation International office, the team walked around downtown Paramaribo passing the Presidential Palace, parliament, and stopped at the waterfront for a Javanese lunch (popular in Suriname).

After lunch the team had a working session with the primary stakeholder agencies - Conservation International (an NGO), the Suriname Tourism Foundation (a quasi-government organization bridging public and private interest), and the Ministry of Transport, Communication, and Tourism (the government organization focused on tourism).

Dedicated UCLA meeting room at CI

Presidential palace

Walking to lunch by the Paramaribo waterfront

Joint working session with UCLA, Conservation International, Suriname Tourism Foundation, and Ministry of Transport, Communication and Tourism

Chinese dinner

Eco Resort hotel

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